General Disclaimer

The Information and content that appears on Rehab Alley, including but not limited to medical information, product recommendations, videos, blogs, Books, Nutritional Information, Exercises, etc. are for general educational purposes only. The information on this website is not a personalized treatment plan or personalized medical advice, and therefore you agree to view and/or use this content at your own risk.

Content on this website is not to be used in lieu of, or to replace interventions and/or instructions already provided by your doctor or other healthcare provider.

If you currently have an injury or illness and/or experiencing symptoms relating to Bodily Dysfunction, or previously had or awaiting surgery, a referral from a doctor AND an evaluation from a licensed physical therapist is required before any therapy-related Treatment, exercises, or therapeutic interventions can be initiated.

Although Rehab Alley is operated and managed by a Licensed Physical Therapist (LINK) with years of experience in a hospital and rehabilitation setting, you should always consider your own personal health needs, beliefs, and conditions. Moreover, Rehab Alley can not provide advice on every person’s specific case and/or circumstance, and therefore you should always consult your doctor, Therapist, or Healthcare provider before attempting any therapeutic interventions or exercises shown on Rehab Alley.

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Rehab Alley, LLC its contractors, and officers of any damages, losses, injuries, or illnesses resulting from any and all claims that arise from the use and/or misuse of this content.

All the information on Rehab Alley has been researched and/or tested and is provided with good intentions to further help you get back to functioning safely and independently. Posts, blogs, videos, and recommendations will be updated but may not apply in every Person’s situation.

Please contact for any questions, concerns, complaints, or general information regarding Rehab Alley, LLC. For additional information on Physical therapy licensure information, licensing requirements, Physical therapy practice, complaints, or any information regarding Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy practice in the state of Texas, Please refer to Executive Council of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Examiners (LINK)

Affiliate Disclaimer

Rehab Alley is a participant in multiple affiliate programs that seek to promote the products of other companies, merchants, and/or manufacturers. Rehab Alley may receive a commission after the sale of the product; however, this is at no additional cost to you (the purchaser). Rehab Alley’s affiliate relationships do not affect the integrity of the content being presented or offered.

Affiliate links are located on the product pages as well as some blogs and videos. These links will redirect you to the company’s website to complete your purchase. All shipping, tracking, returns, or product-related issues will be handled by the company you placed your order with.

**It is important to note that not all links on Rehab Alley’s website are affiliate links, and may just be used for educational and/or reference-related purposes. In addition, affiliate links will be highlighted in color for distinction, while educational and reference links will be bolded in black. Most links will have the word (LINKS) in parentheses next to the description. **