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Have you ever wondered if there’s a better, more natural way to support your health? If you have, you’re not alone. Research shows that Americans have increasingly sought alternative and complementary health treatments, specifically for pain management. For example, individuals in the United States who use yoga regularly to mitigate chronic pain rose from 11% to 28.8% from 2002 to 2022. But yoga is just one of several different types of alternative medicine you can use that could benefit your health.

If you’re eager to find healthier ways to handle chronic conditions and diseases, then learning more about alternative medicine could be the answer. Not only does alternative treatment offer a different form of support than modern medicine, but it also presents with fewer side effects. Many people enjoy alternative therapies because they can be used alongside other traditional treatments, even if these therapies might not be as readily available or accessible with insurance. Additionally, there are still some therapies with little research, showing little proof that they work as of yet.
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In this article, we’ll explore seven different types of alternative medicine and their benefits. Here’s a look at the categories:
- Traditional Alternative Medicine
- Body Therapies
- Diets and Herbs
- External Energy Therapies
- Mind-Body Therapies
- Movement Therapies
- Sensory Therapies
#1: Traditional Alternative Medicine for Holistic, Healthy Living

As one of the more mainstream forms of alternative medicine, practices such as Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, and homeopathy have been used for several centuries. Ayurveda is an ancient Indian practice that uses specific herbs, massages, and dieting to treat conditions. Traditional Chinese medicine, another similar traditional alternative medicine modality, involves similar treatments using herbs, unique practices like acupuncture, and more to successfully treat common illnesses like COVID-19.
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Acupuncture and homeopathy are two different forms of traditional alternative medicine that can help you maintain optimal health. Acupuncture involves using tiny needles inserted into specific nerves to relieve pain and symptoms of chronic conditions. Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine that involves using very watered-down substances to treat illnesses like asthma and high blood pressure. Still, it does come with skepticism, even today, as little evidence is available to prove its efficacy.
With all of these traditional alternative medicines, the focus is on balancing the mind and body while also providing the body with ample natural support to boost its immune system. However, there are also body therapies that are specifically targeted as treatments for pain and restoring physical alignment.
#2: Body Therapies to Treat Injuries and Support Physical Health

Body therapies—including chiropractic, osteopathy, and massage—are alternative medicine treatments that help restore physical alignment and reduce pain. You’ve likely heard of or been to a chiropractor at one point in your life. The practitioner will adjust your spine, put it back into alignment, and focus on supporting your bone and muscle health. Osteopathic medicine also works similarly to support your overall frame and bone health.
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However, when it comes to massage, the focus turns to your muscles. Body therapies like massage are conducted to help with injuries, illness, or even pain relief. Even for patients with cancer, massage therapy is a beneficial form of pain relief. So, if you get a massage once in a while or you choose to go in regularly, it can help you overcome injuries and deal with chronic pain.
#3: Diets and Herbs to Treat Common Conditions

Alternative medicine also includes diets and herbs that people use as a means of living a healthy life or supporting unique conditions that they might be experiencing. This could very well correlate with Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, but others use diets and herbs as more of a separate practice for specific issues.
For example, someone might take a probiotic supplement to encourage healthy digestion. On the other hand, someone might also have herbal tea to deal with headaches instead of a common pain or headache reliever. There have even been studies that show how patients with Alzheimer’s Disease could benefit from herbal supplements as a way to prevent and treat their cognitive decline, so there’s a lot of potential in this particular area to mitigate many conditions!
#4: External Energy Therapies to Promote Healing

Another unique category of alternative medicine therapy is the use of external energy therapies, such as reiki or qigong. Many alternative medicine therapists or practitioners believe that external energies can negatively affect our health. However, by using qigong or reiki, you can manipulate these energies and promote your overall well-being.
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It’s unclear yet if reiki or qigong have vast applications, but current research shows that reiki can be beneficial. Reiki has been used to help with pain, depression, anxiety, and even quality of life concerns, so it is worth potentially looking into if you are interested in treating any of these areas of concern. Even qigong is beneficial as a complementary therapy to traditional medicine, so it may be worth investigating if you struggle with chronic conditions and want a more holistic way of handling your concerns.
5: Mind-Body Therapies to Support Overall Mental and Physical Health

Therapies like meditation and yoga have become widely recognized as beneficial to our health and are some of the most sought-after alternative medicine therapies today. The connection between our minds and our bodies is one that even modern medicine practitioners cannot argue with. After all, our emotional health is often directly tied to how well we feel!
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We talked about yoga as a body therapy, but it is also a mind-body treatment because of the mental health benefits people enjoy when they regularly practice on the mat. As a complementary treatment, yoga has been shown to help those experiencing symptoms of depression feel more relaxed and less depressed over time. Similar impacts are found with meditation, which has been used for centuries to encourage calm, relaxation, and our ability to cope with the pressures we face in our daily lives.
#6: Movement Therapies to Enhance Physical and Emotional Well-Being

Similar to the body therapies we discussed, movement therapies are great for enhancing emotional and physical well-being. There is less emphasis on the mind compared to mind-body therapies like yoga, but you still get so many benefits. Tai chi is a slow exercise form that helps you cultivate mindfulness while also moving your body in natural ways. Tai chi is excellent for improving balance, especially if you are older!
Pilates is another fantastic movement therapy that helps strengthen your body. It was initially created to rehabilitate injured soldiers and dancers, but today, it’s used by several demographics. It can strengthen your core muscles and alleviate back pain, so it is definitely a worthy alternative medicine if you want to enhance your emotional regulation and move your body in natural and healthy ways.
7: Sensory Therapies to Influence Mood and Emotional Health

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Last, there are therapies like sound therapy, aromatherapy, and guided visualization sessions. These are all sensory therapies or practices that stimulate your senses of touch, sight, hearing, smell, and even taste. Many people have used music therapy as a form of alternative medicine because it can aid with numerous mental health disorders, including depression, dementia, schizophrenia, and even substance use issues.
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Sound bath sessions are another form of alternative medicine gaining popularity. However, as far as stimulating your sense of smell, many people have—and for many years—continued to turn to aromatherapy. With the use of specific essential oils, you can support your overall health, encourage more focus, and improve your moods.
Incorporate Some Alternative Medicine Therapies to Enhance Your Life
No matter what form of alternative medicine therapy you choose, you can enjoy many benefits that could enhance the lives of you and your loved ones. With so much potential in these therapies, it’s
crucial to learn more and educate yourself to find other holistic ways to support your well-being. To read more about related research and other topics related to alternative medicine, visit today. GOD BLESS YOUR ENDEAVORS!!